Other Forms

Below are some links which will allow you to access online forms or download the documents that we need when your child attends Muritai Out of School Care.  Please ensure that you have filled out all of the forms that have a * next them, as this is information that we must have. The forms that are in italics are optional.  A complaint form and copy of our policies and procedures are also included for your convenience.

Parent Information Pack: contains important general information about MASC, contact details, staff information, daily routine, fees etc.

*Enrolment Form & Generic Permission Form
Please read the informtaion on this form carefully.  By submitting the form you are agreeing to all the terms and conditions in the parent contract.

All fees must be paid in advance and cancellation of permanent enrolments given in writing 2 weeks in advance.

The generic permission form is required for little trips that students may take during the week with our staff. For example, to the library or down to the post office.

*Leave Permission Form: this form is a must for children who leave Out of School Care without being signed out by a parent or caregiver. For example, if your child attends music or sports practice.

Homework Form:  Please complete this if you would like your child to complete their homework
with us.

*Swimming Ability Form: If your child is attending the programme on a day we are visiting the pool you will need to fill in one of these forms.

*Change of Days Form:  Please use this form if your child attends ASC as a permanent enrolment and you would like to request a change to the days they attend or if you would like to cancel any days.  2 weeks notice of change / cancellation is required.

*Medicine Consent Form:  If you require your child to take medication while at Muritai After School Care.

Complaint Form

Muritai After School Care Policies & Procedures

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